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Know what your budget is before buying in Dorset

According to Zoopla, the average price paid for property in Dorset in the past 12 months stands at £316,988. This is a good starting point when considering prices in the area and depending on your budget, you may be looking for something specific. The following figures indicate the average price paid for property, in the past 12 months, for particular areas of Dorset, all according to Zoopla figures:

  • Weymouth £246,874
  • Bridport £309,256
  • Dorchester £319,336
  • Poundbury £366,296

As the most affordable of all of these options, it is understandable that many people will instinctively look towards Weymouth for property in 2018. It is the third biggest settlement in Dorset, behind Bournemouth and Poole, and there is a lot to like about life in Weymouth. While it is recognised by many as a seaside town, there is a lively feel to Weymouth and there is a good level of connectivity to surrounding local towns and villages.

There is also a growing sense of positivity around Poundbury, the most expensive of the areas listed above. The new town is finally starting to grow into itself and is seen as a thriving hub for local life. It is likely that in 2018, there will be a growing level of demand and interest in what Poundbury has to offer.

Connectivity is vital in Dorset

The nature of connectivity is a key issue when considering the Dorset property market. There are promises of faster journey times between Weymouth and London while there is also set to be an increase in cross-country and Sunday rail services in Dorset. If these come to light, it is likely that they will have an impact on Dorset property in 2018, with Weymouth set to see even higher demand for property.

It is only natural to consider aspects like Brexit, stamp duty changes and increasing pressure on the buy-to-let market but it may be that the local aspects in Dorset will have as much, if not more, of an impact on Dorset’s property market in the year, and years, ahead.

When it comes to staying in touch with the Dorset property market in 2018, rely on Austin Property Services to ensure you are fully informed.

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